
  1. This is such a cool turtle!! I love all the different shapes that you made fit together to make up the turtle!!

  2. I love all of the negative space you put in the turtles head and feet! It really adds a lot of detail and texture. It looks really amazing!

  3. I like the overall design of the turtle and I like how it looks. I think you could have done a better job on the coloring and making it look darker, some of the shapes are lighter then others. But other than that I like it.

  4. Ahh, such an adorable turtlee~ I love how rough the backside of the turtle looks. It adds a bit of implied pressure that looks super cool. Skee, I adore all the shapes in this. Really nice job!

  5. I really like what your were going for with the shell, but my favorite part is the head the lines on the head remind me of one of those turtle necklaces.

  6. You did a really good job using positive and negative space. I like how you did the back shell it looks really realistic. Looks like Polynesian art.

  7. This is done really well, constructive wise it is done well it is also very easy to see the artist through the work and I think that is amazing you have done really well. I think a little more time making all of it the same darkness would not of hurt but overall this is a really well done drawing, Good Job!

  8. This design has a simplistic feel to it as a whole, but when you look deeper you can see the intricacies of it. I think that's really cool!

  9. I love the designs in this and how you use darker and lighter shades of black to give it texture .

  10. I really admire how you went out of your way to include a various amount of designs to your artwork! It makes your artwork look more exciting and fun to look at. My favorite thing about it is the outer edges of the turtle's shell, it looks great! :)

  11. This is some really great work! I really like how you used the positive and negative space to make the pattern on the turtles body and shell. It didn't have actual detail on it, but the way you used the white and black made it seem like it had detail. So, over all, it is super awesome and good job!


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